the quotidian (8.20.12)

Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; 
everyday; ordinary; commonplace 

Heaven: permission to tool around the back forty on Grandpa Jack’s tractor.

Memories: Just before we left, Grandma sat him down,
asked lots of questions about the weekend, and wrote down what he said.

Weird: she can’t help herself.

Playing a wordless game of rocks: big hair and not-so-big hair.
(Tina, how we love thee.)

Wounded: she flayed (what a horrid word!) the back of her ankle on a step.

The line-up: after returning from a tractor ride to the woods (courtesy of Uncle Johnny) 
and discovering a beaver dam.



Surprise! The grandparents flew in their children’s much-adored babysitter.

Ice cream on Jack’s Mountain.

Going home: after seven hours in a car, I feel like a part of me has died.

Warning: this is what happens when you give your daughter a make-up kit for her birthday.

Grill ready: made into this salad.
Verdict: yummy, but a little bland.  

Breakfast oatcakes.

A morning ritual: packing into jars the tomatoes that roasted in the oven overnight.

Picking over the candy—I mean, the cherry tomatoes.

Cleaning out the freezer: puff pastry with caramelized onions, Swiss and Parmesan cheeses, 
and (not shown) a dab of grape jelly.


This same time, years previous: basic fruit crisp, this is what crazy looks like, how to get your refrigerator clean in two hours, two morals


  • the domestic fringe

    Your daughter's makeup job cracks me up. Perhaps she'll be in theatrics. That puff pastry looks amazing. Makes me hungry just seeing it.

  • Margo

    that puff pastry thing looks fabulous – can you tell me how to do that? I have puff pastry hanging out in my freezer and no plans.

    • Jennifer Jo

      I put one pkg of pastry on a baking sheet, dotted it with caramelized onions from the freezer, sprinkled it fairly heavily with Swiss and Parm, and baked it at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes.

      I was making grape jelly at the time and thought to dab a bit on the top. A wicked good idea. The kids weren't fans of the pastry at first, but with the jelly, they were falling over themselves to get their share.

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